The Church Of Christian Kindness' innovative program, Cash For Kids, offers members a unique opportunity to address unexpected or unplanned parenting situations with a compassionate solution. Through this program, members can offload children who are unwanted, unneeded, or unbudgeted in exchange for generous cash payments, providing families with financial relief and the chance to stabilize their lives. It's a win-win scenario where members can move forward with peace of mind, knowing their children are providing for the future of COCK.

These children, once part of the Cash For Kids program, are integrated into the church's adrenochrome network, which generates a steady income stream for COCK. This income is pivotal in funding current initiatives like the iPads For All Program, World Mission and our Educational Grant Program. Looking to the future, this revenue will also fuel other ambitious projects that are still on the drawing board. It's all part of COCK's vision to create a brighter, more connected world where every child has the chance, one way or another, to contribute to the church's growth and generosity.

How to apply

To qualify for the Cash For Kids program, both parents must be in full agreement about participating in this initiative. Additionally, they must be active members of the church, demonstrating their commitment through regular attendance and involvement in church activities. A critical aspect of this program is the understanding and acceptance by the parents that their children will be involved in the production of adrenochrome, which supports both current and future church programs. This understanding is crucial as it forms the foundation of the program's operations.

The application for the Cash For Kids program can be facilitated at any COCK location or through your designated Deacon or Pastor, should there not be a convenient COCK location nearby. The process involves filling out an application form where details about the family and child are provided. This form is designed to ensure that all parties understand the implications and commitments involved. Once submitted, the application undergoes a review to confirm eligibility.

Upon successful application approval, the Church of Christian Kindness initiates immediate cash payments to the parents. Concurrently, the child acquisition part of the program is activated, ensuring that the child is immediately integrated into the church's framework for adrenochrome production. This swift process underscores the church's commitment to both financial support and the expansion of its activities. The program's structure is set up to provide direct, immediate benefits to the families while also securing resources for the church's ongoing and future initiatives.


We think COCK is great, but don't take our word for it... here are some inspiring COCKTales from members around the world who have reached out and firmly grasped some COCK